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I'M Preparing a generation WHO'S ready
to fight against the kingdom of darkness!

Delivered from Santeria

Pastora Janice Batista is not only a passionate Pastor bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God. She’s also very passionate about sharing her testimony on how she was liberated from Santeria. She uses her life experiences and shares everything she knows about the kingdom of darkness. There’s no doubt she’s equipping believers for spiritual battles through her DEA Academy Courses.
Her calling is definitely going beyond the call of duty. The things she shares with believers of all levels must be understood with spiritual understanding. She understands these things because of her experienced facing the realms of darkness firsthand. 
Now She’s discipling believers through her courses to walk in victory & learn how to engage the enemy in spiritual battles while equipping them to resist his lies and schemes!
To her there’s nothing more important then…Watching over your salvation…..While Loving & Protecting What’s Yours!  

Witchcraft In The Church!

Delivered From Santeria!

Demons That Attack At Night!

Are Witches Bad?

Recognize your need for GOD!

Don't Lose Your Essence!

Toxic Pastor's & Leaders!

God will Fight For You & Swallow Your Enemies!

Give From Your Treasure!

Does Your Church Celebrate Halloween?

Helping Others!

Testing of your faith!

I Can't see my Man's Phone

God Deserves the Best!

Tengo Muchos vídeos para ti

Suscríbete a mi canal Pastora Janice Batista

Yo soy La inquebrantable! 🥰 Y mi Corazón es de Crystal 💎

la verdadera sierva De Dios! maquillaje y pantalones!

Como Tener Fe

Quien te dijo a ti?

Como vivir sin ansiedad

Es Tiempo de pensar en Ti

Cuándo te difaman...Camina con tu cabeza en alto

Cuándo te ignoran en la iglesia

Brujas en la iglesia y pastores que usan la iglesia como un negocio!💰

Deja el reggaetonero y salva tu familia

La que es procesada es privilegiada!

Dios a mi no me Ama!

La ignorancia de muchos los impide ver libertad!

Es tiempo de fumigar esos espíritus impuros!

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